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Pomeranian Exercise


Such a tiny little dog and such and such a large amount of energy! The Pomeranian is an active companion dog and to maintain good health, the proper amount of exercise must be offered on a daily basis.

We are going to discuss the needs and requirements suited to this breed.

It is important to find the right balance of exercise for your Pomeranian. 

For puppies, much exertion can affect growth plates. For Poms of all ages, too much can put excessive wear and tear on the body, affecting everything from the knees to the hips and possible overheating. 

Yet, not enough will often causes issues of a Pom having too much pent-up energy; and this can lead to behavioral issues. 

Why Exercise
is Important

Why Exercise is Important

While the Pom is an indoor dog, outdoor activity is important. There are 3 main reasons why taking walks and spending time outside is should be done on a regular basis:

1- Physical health – Going for a brisk walk or doing other activities allows muscles to stretch. It maintains developed muscles. It circulates the blood and it is healthy for the heart. Exercise helps a dog's metabolism stay balanced. 

And over the life of your Pom, exercise can help ward off many canine diseases. 
2 – Emotional health  Even if a Pomeranian seems perfectly happy to stay indoors with you, being brought out for some exercise is very beneficial to his emotional well-being. 

A dog's mood will improve when he can engage his canines senses. Seeing new things, smelling new scents, and hearing new noises. 

In addition, dogs can easily develop the canine equivalent of cabin fever and this is particularly true of active breeds like the Pomeranian. Purposeful exercise is the best method of releasing pent-up energy. if there is a lack of exercise and physical activity, this can manifest as destructive chewing, excessive barking, and other behavior issues. 

3- Social Skills – Taking walks and/or going to play at the dog park are excellent opportunities to teach or fine tune interactional skills with people and with other dogs.

Additionally, gradually increasing meet-and-greets can help a shy dog overcome situations that induce anxiety.
Pomeranian running on grass

Exercise Requirements for Pomeranians

Pomeranian do best with two walks per day, at a pace that is brisk for the Pom, and for a duration of at least 20 minutes. 

Depending on how much a Pomeranian is craving his outside time, and if you have taken proper seasonal steps to stay safe, walks can extend out to 30 or even 40 minutes. 

You can start taking your Pom puppy out for exercise as soon as it is 2 weeks past his final round of puppy shots. 
Pomeranian running on grass

Exercise Requirements for Pomeranians

Pomeranian do best with two walks per day, at a pace that is brisk for the Pom, and for a duration of at least 20 minutes. 

Depending on how much a Pomeranian is craving his outside time, and if you have taken proper seasonal steps to stay safe, walks can extend out to 30 or even 40 minutes. 

You can start taking your Pom puppy out for exercise as soon as it is 2 weeks past his final round of puppy shots. 
Limits for Pom puppies: In regard to the issue of not wanting to over-exercise a Pomeranian puppy; this is indeed something to be aware of as it can lead to a stunt in growth plates. 

This, however, does not pertain to typical walking or playtime. But rather relates to intense physical exercise in which a puppy is pushed to his physical limit in both duration and/or intensity. 

Sticking with two 20-minute walks per day and some time to run around in the yard is perfectly fine for puppies. 

Limits for Pomeranians of all ages: If you want to bring your Pom somewhere in which there will be a lot of walking involved (over 1 hour), you may want to consider a carry method such as a sling or even a canine stroller. This will help prevent breathing or over-heating issues while allowing your Pom to partake in the event. 

Exercise Tips for Walking

The route itself – Best is to stick to roads that have sidewalks. It can be very dangerous to head out on streets with cars whizzing by. In some cases, this may mean driving to an appropriate pathway; however it will be well worth it once you can begin your walk in a safe way.

Timing – Ideally, with two walks, one will be in the AM and one in the PM; though if possible do adjust this to your Pom's particular preferences and what fits your schedule best. Sometimes this must be a compromise. There are some dogs that simply do not want to head out first thing in the morning. And those same dogs may be bursting to go out and exercise an hour after dinner. 

Keeping this in mind, you will also want to choose a time in which you can enjoy this as well. Looking at your watch every 5 minutes, wondering if you’ll make it back in time to cook dinner will take the fun out of your exercise sessions.

Many owners find it best to bring their Pomeranian out for a walk after dinner is done; and this can be a good method to tire out a dog a bit before bed time. You will, however, want to avoid exercising very close to bed time. Plan to have at least an hour or two to wind things down after a jaunt of exercise, so that adrenaline is not still pumping, causing inability to easily fall asleep.

How This Can Affect House training – Some owners make the mistake of allowing their Pomeranian to make stops along the way for purposes of urinating or eliminating. While it may seem logical to multitask in this way, it can interfere with housebreaking

When you are house training your Pom puppy, one of the important elements is to choose a designated bathroom area. But, if you ignore that rule and allow the bathroom to be any place along the walking route, it can cause confusion as to housebreaking rules.

While you cannot stop a dog from taking a bathroom break while walking, it is best to first bring your Pomeranian to the designated area before exercising…. Allow 10 to 15 minutes for him or her to go… And then head out.

If your Pomeranian does not go to the bathroom while out on the walk, be sure to go back to the area before entering back into the house. 

Safe Exercise for the Pomeranian

With this tiny toy breed, there are a few things to keep in mind. The goal is to offer brisk exercise while taking care to prevent overheating and dehydration. And you will want to be sure that your Pom's paws, coat and nose are properly protected, depending on the weather. 

Here are some tips:

1)  On very warm to hot days, exercise before 10 AM or after 2 PM (as those are the hottest times of the day)

2) Make sure that your Pomeranian has plenty to drink before leaving.

3) If it is hot or if it is very sunny out, try to stay in the shade.

4) In the summer when walking surfaces can be exceeding hot, and in the winter when ice melt chemicals may be present (which can cause contact chemical burns), and snowballing (tiny wedges of ice or snow get stuck between paw pads or toes) is a possibility, be sure to prep your Pom's paws with a quality paw wax. 
A good paw wax like Musher's Secret Paw Protection Wax will provide a layer of protection while allowing the paws to breath, will help with traction, and will aid in preventing a drying of paw skin that can lead to itching and/or cracking. 
Pomeranian being taken for a walk
5) Be sure to walk at what is considered a brisk exercise pace for your Pom, not for you. In most cases, this will mean that you will be walking slowly and your dog will be walking at the correct brisk pace. It should be moderate gait, not a run and not a stroll.

6) If you bring your Pom for longer walks, take a short break at the 20-minute mark. If it is hot out, use this time to rest in the shade and with the use of a collapsible bowl and a bottle of water, allow your Pomeranian to drink as much as he or she needs.

7) Try to not let cold weather get in the way of allowing your Pom to have needed activity.
5) Be sure to walk at what is considered a brisk exercise pace for your Pom, not for you. In most cases, this will mean that you will be walking slowly and your dog will be walking at the correct brisk pace. It should be moderate gait, not a run and not a stroll.

6) If you bring your Pom for longer walks, take a short break at the 20-minute mark. If it is hot out, use this time to rest in the shade and with the use of a collapsible bowl and a bottle of water, allow your Pomeranian to drink as much as he or she needs.

7) Try to not let cold weather get in the way of allowing your Pom to have needed activity.
Pomeranian being taken for a walk
Don't let a little snow stop you from offering your Pom a bit of outdoor exercise.
Be sure to dress warmly yourself so that you do not want to cut things short. If your Pom shows an intolerance for the cold, and this is not unusual for this breed, look into clothing for Pomeranians such as a lined vest, to help him maintain core body temperature.

Other Types of Activity

Aside from daily walks to ensure good health, if the weather permits it, don’t forget about other types of exercise. 

Playing fetch is not reserved for large breed dogs. If you have the right sized toy like the KONG Tiny Squeaker Tennis Balls for Small Dogs, the Pomeranian is an excellent playmate for a game of fetch. 

This breed is also excellent at agility workouts. If an owner shows enthusiasm, a Pom will pick up on that…. And don’t be shy to be inventive. Setting up obstacles, making a small tunnel to run through are things that a Pom can excel at. Just be careful to not include any jumping from excessive heights, as this can injure the knees and/or hips.

Q&A Regarding Physical Ability and Limitations

Can Pomeranians swim? Yes (with guidelines followed). While some owners do not test this out, many Pomeranians can swim well and some (not all) just love it! Also, owners of Poms that dislike baths may assume that their dog would dislike swimming; however it is a completely different experience.

NEVER have your Pom swim in the ocean of course or in ANY deep water without very close supervision, and you may want to consider a canine life vest. 

To check if your Pom would enjoy swimming, you would want to test this out in the shallow end of a pool, while remaining right by his side. Hold him gently yet firmly to see if he attempts to paddle. When you release, keep your hands directly under him, and ready to take hold again. 

Also, since pools contain high levels of chlorine it is imperative to wash the coat thoroughly afterward. If not, the chlorine will act as bleach and dull the color of the fur or discolor it, and will cause it to become overly dry. 
Pomeranian exercising
Pomeranian exercising
Can Pomeranians go running? Yes, but what is running to a Pom is not considered running to you! This tiny toy breed would not be able to keep up with a human out on an exercise run. 

However, if an adult Pomeranian is in good health and care is taken in regard to outside temperature, a Pom may very well enjoy running - as HIS pace- for a short while.

It is not recommended to encourage a growing Pom puppy to run at full speed for long distances, since over exercise can affect growth plates.
Can a Pomeranian go hiking? 

Yes! You do not need to leave your Pom at home if you are planning on hiking, IF the difficulty level is not hard and if you take a few precautions.

You will want to:
  • Be sure that his paws are protected with paw wax.
  • Have him on a harness and not a collar to prevent strain on the neck.
  • Take breaks every 20 minutes to rest and for your Pom to rehydrate
Pomeranian in stroller
Pomeranian in stroller
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Separation Anxiety
This refers to the struggles that a puppy or dog can have when home alone and faced with feeling isolated and lonely. 

This is not uncommon with dogs, and especially with breeds like the Pomeranian that were developed to be lap dog companions.

Fortunately, there are some steps you can take and methods you can use, that can combine to really help a Pom. Read more about Pom Separation Anxiety.
Pomeranian lying on floor
The Pomeranian is a fairly active breed; it is normal for him to have plenty of energy to play, yet he will take naps as needed. And it is not out of the ordinary for a Pom to have times when he just wants to rest and relax.

However, if you notice a sudden decrease in energy or signs that your Pom is always tired, this is something to take note of. 

Read more about if a Pomeranian is always acting tired
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