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Pomeranian Dewclaws


Dogs have 4 main toes on each paw. Dewclaws can be considered a 5th toe. They are the digits, and their nails, that are located very high on the side of a dog’s paw. With Pomeranians, dewclaws are most often on the front paws. Rarely will they be on the back paws, but it is seen now and then. With young pups, these are merely tiny, soft nails (no digit). As a pup grows older, these slowly evolve into an appendage. 

Many Pomeranian puppies and dogs do not have their dewclaws intact, as these are removed at an early age, which is permissible per AKC conformation guidelines. But for Poms that do have their dewclaws, there are a few important care tips to know about. 
Pomeranian dewclaw

Should Dewclaws be Removed on a Pomeranian?

Breeders who opt to have dewclaws removed do so to help prevent issues down the line. The most troubling problem involves the dewclaws getting snagged on things (carpeting, fabric-covered furniture, etc.), that causes the dewclaw to tear. In some cases it can be quite serious and it's almost always very painful. Dewclaws can also get in the way when a Pomeranian is being brushed; it's easy to forget about the dewclaw or not see it due to the fur around it, and then inadvertently snag it with a grooming tool. 

On the other side of the coin, there are those that firmly believe dogs should be kept natural, without any unnecessary alternations. Though removal at a very young age (just a few days old) can be done without anesthesia, many people place dewclaw removal in the same category as tail docking and ear clipping. 
Removal of dewclaws at an older age (later than a week old) is an entirely different thing. This often comes into play if a Pomeranian has a history of issues with the dewclaws. You and the vet will most likely discuss such things as how often there are problems and the degree that this is affecting your Pom.  

How Dewclaws Are Removed

Very young pups, typically 1 week old or less: 
When a Pom is a very young puppy, the dewclaws are only very small and soft nails. There is no extra digit yet. Veterinarians that remove the dewclaws at this young age typically do so without anesthesia. It is often compared to carefully sliding out a splinter. 
Older puppies and adults: 
When an older pup or an adult Pomeranian has their dewclaws removed, they are not soft, pliable nails any longer. What can be described as an extra ‘toe’ grows in the area of the dewclaw that is made of flesh, muscles, ligaments, blood vessels, and nerves, just like any other body part. 

Removal at this stage is considered an amputation which requires anesthesia. Since toy breeds can be sensitive to anesthesia and its use should be limited, if a Pom is not yet spayed or neutered, veterinarians will often recommend doing both the spay/neuter procedure and the dewclaw removal at the same time. 

During the procedure, both the toe and claw are removed. Stitches are put into place and healing time can vary from 2 to 4 weeks. During that time, care must be taken to keep the area clean. Many Poms will have urges to lick the area and this can interfere with recovery time, so a covering and/or Elizabethan collar is usually used.  

If you are thinking about having your Pomeranian's dewclaws taken out, do discuss the entire procedure with your Pom's vet, including the element of anesthesia. Toy breeds can have issues with sedation; such things as the constant monitoring of blood pressure and the use of heat wraps can help cut down on the risks. The benefits of surgery should outweigh the discomfort a dog is having with their dewclaws.  

Dewclaw Care Tips

If your Pomeranian has any intact dewclaws, they will need to be trimmed just as is done with their toenails. If dewclaws are ignored and never trimmed, they can grow long and curl back into the skin, which can be very painful and require veterinary treatment. 

Also, if your Pomeranian has dewclaws, be careful when brushing the coat. Sometimes it is easy to forget that a dewclaw is there and it can get snagged on a brush or comb. In some cases, the dewclaw can partially or fully rip out when snagged. Always take care to go around it. 
Do you have your book? 
If you have a Pom, you'll want PetPom's GIANT Book of Pomeranian Care. It will be your detailed guideline for your Pom's entire life. 
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