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Your Pomeranian's Zodiac

You chose that your Pom was born in 2008...

This means that according to the legendary Chinese Zodiac, your Pom...
...was born in the Year of the Rat

Pomeranians born in the Year of the Rat are always fun to be around due to their complex personalities. There is the energetic side of the Rat; he/she can have lots of pent-up energy (you may find your Pom does best with a bit more playtime & walks)... And then there is his/her polite, courteous side that will take a step back and patiently wait for you if he/she must.

The Rat is known for being agile and alert. One of the most endearing traits of those born in the Year of the Rat is their incredible ability to be deeply empathetic, knowing how their owner feels and reciprocating feelings. 

The top positive traits of your Pom are: Protective, Compassionate, Energetic, Alert, Well-mannered and Adaptable.
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