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Your Pomeranian's Zodiac

You chose that your Pom was born in 2006...

This means that according to the legendary Chinese Zodiac, your Pom...
...was born in the Year of the Dog

Pomeranians born in the Year of the Dog are, by far, some of the most loyal & loving companions! They are super eager to please & are in heaven when getting your personal attention. 

There will be times that your Pom will test you; but once you make a rule very clear, then he/she will obey. All-on-all, you couldn't ask for a better friend! Those born in the Year of the Dog also have a quiet side... They are deep thinkers & can entertain themselves if given the right tools.

The top positive traits of your Pom are: Helpfulness, Devotion, Intelligence, Enthusiasm, Attentiveness & Warm-hearted.
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