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Care (Top 10 Tips)


Top 10 Pomeranian Care Tips


The ways in which you take care of your Pomeranian are essentially innumerable. You're devoted to your Pom's health and happiness. But despite this & with the best of intentions, across the board and with Poms of every age, there is one thing happening regarding care: There is something that's not being done. 

Even the most loving, caring owners skip over a couple of the most vital care tips for this breed. With some, guidelines were followed when the Pomeranian was a puppy, but over time it faded out. With other care elements, an owner may not have known the importance it held and never started doing it at all. 

Since we know that your goal is to take the best possible care of your Pomeranian, let’s go over the top 10 most commonly skipped Pomeranian care tips. We’ll discuss why they are so important and easy ways to get on track. Whether you are missing 1 or 5, today is the day to start fresh. So, let’s get going!

Pomeranian Care Tip #1

Puppy proof the house, no matter how old your Pomeranian is
Why this is overlooked  When planning for a new puppy to come into the home, no doubt owners checked over the house. And then, as the Pom matured and showed that he’s well-behaved and knows not to chew on non-toy items, they didn’t see the need for continuing to do this. 

Why this care tip should be done –Dogs mouth objects for a variety of reasons that have nothing to do with eating. Without opposable thumbs, they use their mouth to identify objects. Things do not need to have a scent on them or look appealing in any way.

Even if a Pomeranian never showed curiosity to mouth anything other than a toy, all it takes is one moment of boredom or random flash of inquisitiveness for there to be grave consequences. 

Chewing on or swallowing non-toy items can lead to injury to oral tissue, injury to the esophagus, choking, stomach upset, partial or full stomach or intestinal blockage, poisoning and even death. And these are all things that are preventable. 

The type of things that dogs have ingested are startling; here is a small sampling of objects swallowed by dogs (even toy breeds), seen on x-ray and removed via costly surgery:

• Coins –Pennies minted in 1982 and later, contain high levels of zinc (97.5) and are highly toxic. Those minted before 1982 contain just 5%. Nickels, dimes and quarters can cause choking or blockage. Are there any coins laying around your house? On the floor? In a sofa? Most likely the answer is yes, and that is why this care tip is so imperative. 
• Needles – It may seem impossible, but a tiny Chihuahua swallowed 9 at one time, thankfully he survived, but this goes to show what toy dogs can do.
• Jewelry 
• Children’s toys – Everything from tiny cars to little figurines to small parts broken off from larger ones. 
• Mini headphones
• Candy wrappers
How to implement this care tip:  

Make a commitment to proof the house once a month. It can help to make this on the 1st or last day of each month, as a way to remember. Look at things from your Pomeranian’s point of view, going over every inch of the floor and any furniture that your Pom could possibly reach. 

Look under sofas and chairs to see if there is anything a little paw could swipe out and get. Look in-between cushions as well. 

Remind all household members to immediately pick up anything that may fall to the floor and to not leave coins, wrappers, etc. out in areas that a Pom could reach. 

Just in case, know first aide for Pomeranians, should your dog be choking or having another emergency issue. 

Pomeranian Care Tip #2

Buckle up your Pom When in the Car
Why this is overlooked – Though not keeping a dog safe in the car is akin to not buckling up a child, this is disregarded by far too many owners with invalid excuses. 
An owner may believe that their dog’s happiness in being free in the car carries more weight than the low chance of there being an accident. Others may feel that the seat may increase motion sickness. 
Why this care tip should be done-
  • In the U.S. a car accident occurs every 5 to 30 seconds. And not one of those people involved planned for it to happen. Even if you are an exceptional driver, you have zero control over other drivers and whether or not a car malfunctions (flat tire, loss of steering, etc.).  
  • If a dog is not properly restrained, he will be thrown with a force greatly exceeding his body weight. In a collision going at 50 mph, a 10-pound dog will be thrown as if he is a 500-pound object. 
  • Just the fact of not having your Pomeranian in a canine car seat increases the chances of an accident. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports 20% of crashes are due to distracted driving. In a AAA/Kurgo survey of pet owners and driving habits, 65% of owners admit to performing at least 1 distracting activity with their dog while driving. And looking away from the road doubles the chances of an accident. 
How to implement this care tip:  
  • Obtain a certified canine car seat. Pomeranians do best with raised booster seats that are sized for toy breeds. These allow them to sit up high where they can see the road and have good access to air from the window (greatly reducing motion sickness).
  • Once in the seat, the buckle must be attached to the dog. Never connect this to the collar; this can result in horrible neck injury. You’ll want to attach it to your Pom’s harness. 
  • Allow 4 to 5 trips for your Pomeranian to get used to the seat and for it to become habit for you to place him in it. 

Pomeranian Care Tip #3

Clean food and water bowls every day

Why this is overlooked – Many owners don’t see the need to do this, after all, more water and food is going to go right back in, so why bother?  

Why this care tip should be done- A huge factor in how much water a dog drinks depends on the source of that water: the cleanliness of it and the container from which it is accessed. When saliva and tiny food particles mix, this creates a slimy film in the dish, which can lead to a Pom avoiding it more than relishing it. This in turn, can lead to dehydration; just a 1 to 5% loss of normal body fluids can result in loss of focus and lethargy

With food bowls, hopefully you are using stainless steel which offers a smooth surface which circumvents the issue of bacteria developing in tiny cracks like it can do with plastic, but even so, if food is caked inside – even tiny amounts – those particles will indeed rot. There can be a buildup of bacteria and even mold. 

How to implement this care tip: Make it a habit to wash both dishes with hot water and soap each day, in the evening after a Pom’s last meal of the day is usually the easiest time. 

Pomeranian Care Tip #4

Check toys once a month

Why this is overlooked – This is an often overlooked care element, simply because owners don’t realize that it should be done this often.  
Why this care tip should be done-
  • Even ‘indestructible’ dog toys like Goughnuts and Kongs can be ripped by sharp teeth and all toys will eventually wear, rip or tear open. Some can become choking hazards. 
  • Dried saliva mixed with minuscule food particles equals a buildup of film on toys that should be washed off on a regular basis. 
  • This is a good time to assess which ones are being used and which are being ignored. If you have some great effective toys that help with teething, boredom, separation anxiety and chewing urges but they are lost in a pile of 30 others that are not effective, this doesn’t help your Pom. 
How to implement this care tip:  
  • Old, worn out toys should be tossed.
  • Toys should be washed as needed. Depending on which ones are being used and the material that they are made out of, they should be washed either in the sink with hot water and soap or placed into the washing machine every 4 weeks or so. 
  • Toss the toys your Pomeranian has no interest in. It’s better to have a smaller collection consisting of toys that are helpful than a large assortment that hides the good ones. 

Pomeranian Care Tip #5

Take care of your Pom's teeth

Why this is overlooked – This vital part of caring for a dog can save a pet from pain & suffering and even extend life span. Yet, it is not done due owners not believing it needs to be done or due to perceived time restraints. 

In some cases, a person may have previously had a dog, never brushed their teeth and the dog never had dental problems. This was a matter of good luck and not something to base care guidelines off of. Lastly, if a Pom didn’t sit well for this, some owners feel it is not worth the ‘hassle’. 

Why this care tip should be done-
  • Plaque causes tooth decay and gum disease. Every second of every day plaque builds up on a dog’s teeth. It is a sticky, colorless film.  
  • If it is not removed, plaque turns into tartar, which can only be removed via scraping. Gingivitis, periodontal disease, decay and infection can then develop. This can lead to terrible pain, the loss of teeth and infection can spread up into the sinuses or into the blood (sepsis), which can be fatal. 
How to implement this care tip:  
  • See where your Pom stands in regard to dental health. Have the vet perform a ‘full dental’ to examine the teeth, clean & scrape them and take x-rays to spot issues. With excellent at-home care, this may only need to be done every 12 to 24 months. 
  • Obtain a quality canine toothbrush sized appropriately for toy breed dogs and a paste that is gentle enough as to not damage enamel but abrasive enough to be effective. 
  • Set a daily alarm as a reminder and brush your Pom's teeth, one per day for 3 to 5 minutes.
  • Every single day, give your Pomeranian an effective dental chew. Greenie's is one of the best. It is the #1 vet recommended dental chew, and has received the Seal of Acceptance for preventing plaque and tartar by the Veterinary Oral Health Council. 

Pomeranian Care Tip #6

Place a harness on your Pom any time they're on a leash

Why this is overlooked – Some may not see the importance of this and others may either think it will be difficult to use or the Pom may have resisted in the past.  

Why this care tip should be done-
  • Some breeds have thick neck muscles that easily handle the force and pressure of being on leash with a collar; not so for the Pomeranian breed. With the Pom and many other toy breeds, the neck can become injured due to pressure exerted on it when jumping up or lunging forward or to the side.
In addition, collapsed trachea is an issue common to this breed; it is a congenital abnormality. With the tracheal rings in a weakened state, pressure from the collar can trigger the collapse. It’s sad to see Poms on leash and collar; it’s very risky. 
  • A harness allows you much better control of your Pom when walking. You can pull your Pom to you and keep him in a heeling position, without worry of injury to the neck. 
How to implement this care tip:  
  • Start using a harness any time you put your Pomeranian on leash. If you still wish for your puppy or dog to wear a collar, that can be used for ID purposes.
  • If you take care to get the right harness, your Pom should find it to be comfortable and you should be able to place it on quickly and easily. In fact, many dogs find it so comforting, that it acts as a type of security blanket. Look for one made with soft yet sturdy, breathable material, sized for toy breeds, adjustable and easy to put on (Velcro or quick-release buckles) like the PUPPIA Soft Harness Vest in Extra Small or Small.

Pomeranian Care Tip #7

Bring your Pom for wellness checks

Why this is overlooked – Far too often, dogs are only brought to the vet once an issue has developed. An owner may feel that these visits are a waste of time if the dog appears to be perfectly healthy. And for some, this is a financial concern. 

Why this care tip should be done-
  • Once of the most significant ways to take care of your Pomeranian and keep him healthy is to catch any potential problems very early. A huge range of health issues from diabetes to kidney problems to worms can be caught during a wellness examination, but if the dog is not brought in, the issue will be in full swing by the time symptoms are severe enough for the owner to call and make an emergency appointment. Just about every illness is easier to treat when identified and treated in the early stage.
  • The vet will speak to you about your Pom’s weight, exercise routine, and diet to keep everything on track. And if you have questions about your puppy or dog, this is a great time to get an expert opinion. 
  • With senior Pomeranians, twice-per-year visits are needed because issues are much more likely to develop. 
How to implement this care tip:  

If it has been over a year since your Pom had an examination, make an appointment and be committed to keeping it. If there is a chance that your Pom may need a booster vaccine, be sure to schedule this at a time that you will be able to keep an eye on him for several hours afterward. 

If money is a concern, keep in mind that a typical visit ranges from $50 to $100 dollars. Putting away $20 a month should more than cover the exam and some additional testing or medicine, if needed. Whatever is left over, can be kept for visits in the future. 

Pomeranian Care Tip #8

Take care to give your Pom super healthy treats

Why this is overlooked – Many owners give treats filled with additives without knowing it. And manufacturers are fantastic at making cheap, chemical laden treats look appealing; they may be in fun shapes and tempting colors. And most often, the prices are tempting as well; owners can save money.  

Why this care tip should be done- Such things as a high level of chemical preservatives, artificial coloring and artificial flavoring can make these treats exceptionally unhealthy. If a Pom eats these things, it can cause a range of issues, most commonly skin problems (itching, dryness, rashes), but other problems as well like stomach upset, vomiting and diarrhea.

How to implement this care tip: Choose your Pomeranian’s snacks as carefully as you chose their main meals. Look for made in the USA, all natural snacks. Keep away from rawhides, which are notorious for causing blockage. 

Give super healthy, wholesome treats like Fruitables Pumpkin & Apple Crunchy Treats which are really great, or if you're working on housebreaking, command training, or any other sort of training, try giving your Pom Zuke's Mini Naturals Dog Treats which are ideal training treat rewards and very healthy too.

Pomeranian Care Tip #9

Expand your Pom’s world

Why this is overlooked – Your Pom may be housebroken, knows some commands, has a great toy collection, is healthy and is generally well-behaved… things are going great. So, what else could be needed? Adding supplemental activities may not even cross the minds of many owners. 

Why this care tip should be done- Canines are amazing creatures. They are as intelligent as at least 2 and 1/2-year-old humans, are proven to feel a range of emotions from excitement to joy to love. They are super inquisitive and understand, on average, 165 words. 

So, dogs are very open to learning more and experiencing more. When their world is expanded, this satisfies their exploratory nature and allows them to become socialized to all sorts of people, events and situations. This in turn, leads to a more well-rounded, well-balanced and well-adjusted dog. 

How to implement this care tip:  
  • Bring your Pom to new places. This can be shorelines (beaches, lakes), outdoor markets, farmer’s markets, pet stores, new parks, etc. Go for an ‘easy’ hike. Have a picnic near a duck pond. Explore the local flea market. 
Take a new route when going for a walk. Enjoy a trip to a strawberry farm. The options are endless.

If you want to take your Pom along to places that you aren't sure he could go, place him in a cute and cozy body sling like the i'Pet Hands-free Small Dog Carry Sling which keeps him right by your side, or if your Pom is on the larger side, consider using a neat canine stroller like the OxGord 3 Wheeler Elite Pet Stroller.
  • Play learning games. Hide a treat under 3 upside-down cups and prompt your Pom to find it. Obtain some fun puzzle games and spend some bonding time teaching your Pom to nose levers and paw buttons for reward. Set up poles to practice weaving. Make life a fulfilling learning experience.

Pomeranian Care Tip #10

Purposeful exercise every day

Why this is overlooked – If a Pomeranian is fairly active indoors and seems happy, daily walks may be skipped, believing that they are not really needed. Weather plays a factor as well, with rainy or cold days keeping both owner and dog inside. And if a Pom tends to bark a lot or doesn’t heel well, it may not seem worth the ‘bother’ to take a walk. 

Why this care tip should be done- Regular exercise has the following benefits:
  • Keeps bones strong
  • Maintains muscles
  • Is good for building up stronger ligaments and supporting tissues to reinforce strength around the knees
  • Good for heart health
  • Helps the digestive system function properly
  • Plays a role in preventing a host of diseases
  • Is the best way for a dog to release pent-up energy that can otherwise lead to feeling restless, agitated and/or bored
  • Allows a dog to make use of their canine senses (smelling, seeing, hearing), which improves mood and behavior
  • Socializes a dog to outdoor elements and triggers
How to implement this care tip:  
  • Make a commitment to walk your Pom twice per day for 20 minutes.
  • Be prepared, no matter the weather. Have leash, harness, comfortable walking shoes, outerwear (your Pom’s clothing too, for cold days), and an umbrella near the door. 
  • Take the time to teach your Pom how to heel, this can make walks very enjoyable and reinforces proper hierarchy which is fundamental. 
Did you find these care guidelines helpful? If so, you'll definitely love the updated PetPom book, available in both a huge 8.5x11" print book & as an eBook.

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15 Ways to Keep a Pomeranian Safe - How many of these preventative steps are you taking for your Pom?
Tips to Keep a Pom Clean - This little toy breed can get surprisingly dirty. To keep your Pom looking tidy and smelling nice, follow these top 9 tips. 
Pomeranians and Broken Bones - Stats regarding broken bones, example of a Pom that broke two bones by jumping off a sofa, and 11 tips to prevent this sort of terribly painful injury. 
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