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Your Pomeranian's Zodiac

You chose that your Pom was born in 2002..

This means that according to the legendary Chinese Zodiac, your Pom...
...was born in the Year of the Horse

Pomeranians born in the Year of the Horse are extremely intelligent canine family members. While dogs in general can be as smart as a 2 year old human, Goats really take this to the limit. The Horse is curious about lots of things, but may hold back a bit at first to really give thought to something or someone before jumping in. Creatures of habit, those born in the Year of the Horse can be counted on to be balanced & are not prone to mood swings. Horses are also exceedingly affectionate, wanting to be more of a partner to their human than a pet.

The top positive traits of your Pom are: Logical, Clever, Talented, Inquisitive, Affectionate and Dependable.  
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