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Your Pomeranian's Zodiac

You chose that your Pom was born in 2016...

This means that according to the legendary Chinese Zodiac, your Pom...
...was born in the Year of the Monkey

Pomeranians born in the Year of the Monkey are highly complex canine family members. While many sources automatically focus on the fact that Monkeys are amusing and love being the center of attention, this is true... but there is a lot more to those born with the Monkey animal sign. The Monkey is super affectionate and will be your shadow round-the-clock if possible. Monkeys make attachments quickly with bonds that stay exceedingly strong. Without a mean streak in their bodies and being little brainiacs, those born in the Year of the Monkey are extraordinary creatures!

The top positive traits of your Pom are: Intelligence, Devotion, Curiosity, Loyalty, Affectionate and Kindness. 
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