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Your Pomeranian's Zodiac

You chose that your Pom was born in 2009...

This means that according to the legendary Chinese Zodiac, your Pom...
...was born in the Year of the Ox

Pomeranians born in the Year of the Ox are very unique. As an Ox, a Pom is generally easy-going... but if something is very important to an Ox, he/she can show amazing perseverance. With a streak of determination, the Ox rarely gives up on something new, whether that's figuring out a puzzle toy or trying to learn a command. You can count on an Ox to be a deep thinker and able to use many forms of communication (physical actions, making cute noises, facial expressions) to express what is desired.

The top positive traits of your Pom are: Tolerant, Confident, Skillful, Contemplative, Tenacious, Talented
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