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Hates the Rain


When a Pomeranian Hates the Rain 

How to Bring Your Pom Outside During Rain Storms

Pomeranian at rainy window
Pomeranian at rainy window


Does your Pomeranian hate being outside in the rain? Many dogs feel the same way, and this can really interfere with bathroom needs and regular exercise. Fortunately, there are some steps you can take that will help, whether it’s sprinkling or there’s a downpour. 

Why Pomeranians Dislike the Rain

You might think that with such a thick double coat, that being in the rain wouldn’t be such a big deal for Poms. But, there are several reasons why the rain can be so unpleasant:

1. It’s uncomfortable. If it’s raining pretty hard, a lot of water is going to soak up into the coat rather quickly. It weighs a Pom down and can be awfully distracting, if not downright uncomfortable. And raindrops bopping on a dog’s nose can be very irritating. 

2. It can give the chills. Even on warm summer days, rain can quickly cause a dog to get the chills. 

3. Humans unintentionally send a message that rain is unpleasant. Very few owners jump with glee and rush outside to enjoy the rain. Rather, they close the windows and doors, stay inside, and their body language and tone of voice implies that rain is not a good thing. Canines are pros at reading their human’s verbal and non-verbal cues and know that rain is not a happy event. 

4. Association with a fearful event. Canines are quick to connect events. If your Pomeranian is afraid of thunder and lightning (most dogs are), this association will stay with them. As soon as rain moves in and there are changes in the air pressure, dogs can be extremely wary that the next step is thunder. 

How to Help Your Pomeranian Get Used to the Rain

While your Pom many never beg to go outside during a shower, there are steps you can take to make it much more tolerable for your Pom. And, this holds true for every age, from young pups to even older adults that have spent years refusing to venture out into the rain. 

The more tips you implement, the better chance there is of your Pom getting use to rainstorms:

1. Remain calm and cheerful when it starts raining. Your Pom is watching your every move and listening to your words and tone of voice. Never say ‘oh no, it’s raining!’ with despair. And, if you need to close windows and doors, do so in a calm manner. 

2. Help your Pom get used to walking on wet surfaces. On a nice sunny day, wet down a patch of grass with a watering hose. Place your Pom on leash and harness and bring them outside. Don’t tense up when you’re about to lead them across the wet patch; rather, speak in a happy tone with an animated step as you bring them across. If walking on wet grass is something your Pom really dislikes, be sure to offer lots of enthusiastic praise each time you cross over. 

You can take things up a notch by playing fetch with a new toy. The only rule? It must be played on the watered-down grass. 
3. Head to a sheltered area, if possible. One of the tricky things about choosing a good designated bathroom area is that it will work well all year round. If possible, have this near a shed over-hang, near an outdoor umbrella, or underneath the branches of an overhanging tree. 

4. Use a quality, giant umbrella. A normal sized umbrella won’t do much if your Pomeranian resists going outside in the rain. Rain will come in sideways and wind will have your Pom wet before you get 10 feet. But, a sturdy oversized one can be just the thing keep rain off both of you. 

You might want to check out Third Floor's Extra Large Umbrella (used for golfing); this is a whopping 62 inches in diameter and easily covers up to 3 adults, never mind just you and your Pom. It's wind-proof and strong enough to stand up to torrential rains. You might think something like this would be hard to handle, but it’s not. It’s surprisingly lightweight and opens with the touch of a button. 
5. If you do use a giant umbrella, be sure to keep your Pom close to you. Have your little one on a harness and a retractable leash set to 4 feet or so. Since dogs can get a bit discombobulated from the rain, this will prevent your Pom from darting around out from the protection of the umbrella. 

6. Or, place a raincoat on your Pom. Doggie raincoats are a great option if you don’t want to hold an umbrella. With the right size and one with a hood, your Pomeranian’s core body and head will stay rather dry. For this, the Fashion Pet Rainy Days Yellow Raincoat Slicker is a wonderful choice, it has a good-sized hood and a helpful poncho shape in the front which keeps the chest nice and dry even in moderate to heavy rain. 
7. Keep your Pom’s paws dry. If it’s wet paws that’s making your Pom hate the rain, keep them dry with water-proof shoes. Many dogs initially scoff at wearing booties, but as soon as they realize the benefits, they do great with them.

If you think you’d like to try this with your Pom, My Busy Dog Water Resistant Dog Shoes are a great option. These start at size 1, easily slip on and secure with Velcro around the ankle. While your Pom won’t be able to stand in a puddle with these, they are waterproof enough to head out to the bathroom area or take a walk during a shower. 
8. Be prepared to give the right type of feedback. It’s important to show your Pomeranian that they did a great job, even if it’s done in baby steps. So, before you even head outside in the rain with your Pom, be sure to have training treats at the ready.

With training treats, there are a few vital aspects to ensure that they send the message of a job well done:
  • It should be something that is never given out as a regular snack; only give this out for reward
  • It should be small, as not to interfere with appetite and to give an immediate message (a reward treat is not something a dog should have to sit down and gnaw away at)
  • It should offer a quick burst of a strong and enticing flavor 
  • It should be a soft (moist) treat, which dogs see as a higher value than dry
If you’re looking for a great training treat to teach your Pom to get used to the rain, a fantastic choice is Wellness Soft Natural Grain-Free Dog Treats. These are 100% all natural, with no soy, corn, grains, chemical preservatives, or artificial coloring or flavoring, and are made in the USA. Tip: Puppy options are available, but you can simply tear one of these treats in two for pups or Poms on the smaller side. 

No matter if you implemented an umbrella, raincoat, and/or doggie boots, give enthusiasm praise and offer the treat before you enter back into the house. You do not want to inadvertently make your Pom think that they are being rewarded for getting out of the rain. 
9. During thunderstorms or severe rainstorms with dangerous winds, keep your Pom inside. Trying to withstand those sorts of overly harsh elements is not only unsafe but will also make for a very unpleasant experience for both of you that can cause training to backslide.

If your Pom is used to going potty outside, you can mimic this indoors. Choose an indoor method like pee pads or a grass patch and try to place this either near the exit point or a separate area like the garage or screened-in porch. 

Place your Pom on leash and harness just as you would if you were bringing them out and lead them to the area. Be sure to give reward as soon as the deed is done. 
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