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Discharge - Female


Female Pomeranian Vaginal Discharge


When you have a female Pomeranian, throughout the course of her life, there most often will be some occurrences of vaginal discharge. Some, like heat, are normal and expected with un-spayed females; though there is much to know about what type of discharge is normal during this time. 

And in other cases, there may be instances any number of seemingly odd fluids of varying colors.

It is important to know what is normal, what is not, which discharge issues can be treated at home and when it is necessary to bring the Pomeranian to the veterinarian.

For these reason, this page will go over all the different types of discharge from the vulva that a female Pomeranian may experience.  
female Pomeranian dog
female Pomeranian dog
Sophia Grace, photo courtesy of Ashley 
Sophia Grace, 
1 year old
Photo courtesy of Ashley Mitchell

The Canine Vulva; & Vagina VS Urethra

First, it is important to understand these terms and what they actually are. 

Unlike female humans (that have two openings in the genital area), female canines have one external opening (the vulva) and within that one visible opening is both the urethra (the internal tube that is connected to the bladder from which urine comes out) and the vagina that leads up to the uterus (and from where bleeding and other discharge due to heat is expelled from). 

Therefore, due to a female canine's genital anatomy, discharge coming from the bladder via the urethra and discharge coming from the uterus via the vagina are both expelled out of the one visible opening of the vulva. 

This can make diagnosing unexpected discharge a bit confusing for owners. 

Discharge Seen with Heat

If you do not yet have your female Pomeranian spayed, you will be dealing with heat cycles
While this may seem that it is something that adult dogs would endure, it actually begins quite young with canines. The average age of a Pom's first heat is 6 to 12 months old; yet it can happen as young as 4 months and as late as 15 months old. 

While many equate this to be the canine equivalent of the menstrual cycle, it is very different in that with humans, bleeding signals a shedding of the lining in the uterus if a pregnancy has not occurred. For many female humans, the time of ovulation (when eggs drop and one can get pregnant) happens about 2 weeks after the period. 

However, with dogs it dissimilar. When in heat, this IS the time that canines can conceive (usually during the middle to towards the end). 

The type of discharge that is seen with heat can vary quite a bit. Here are some things to know:
  • Discharge may be cream or pink for the first few heat cycles
  • Discharge may change color throughout the cycle. It may start off red or dark pink (a mix of blood and other fluids) and then gradually change to lighter colors over the course of 7 to 10 days.
  • For some Pomeranians, discharge will be red, then tan (during the fertile time) and then back to red.
  • At the beginning and then at the end, the discharge may be almost a clear color. 
So if your Pomeranian has whitish-pink, pink, tan or red discharge that change color over the course of several weeks, when in heat, this is considered to be normal. 

While the body does go through some stress during this time, hormonal fluctuations can cause behavior changes and there can be some abdominal discomfort, most cycles come and go without complications.
With this said, there are a couple of red flags to look out for:
  • Discharge from heat lasting for more than 40 days. If a Pomeranian has bloody discharge that does not stop as planned, this can be a sign of follicular cysts. 
These develop inside of the ovaries and can lead extended discharge. It is diagnosed via an ultrasound and blood tests. Treatment is often removal of both the ovaries and uterus. 
  • Very heavy bleeding - Medium and large sized dog breeds can experience moderate to quite heavy bleeding during heat, however toy breed dogs like the Pomeranian often have very light bleeding. 
While you still want to place doggie diapers on your Pom during this time (as there will be a buildup of fluid on your furniture, flooring, the dog's bed, etc. without this), an exceedingly heavy blood flow is not normal.

This can point to infection (kidney, bladder, uterus or other) or even a bleeding disorder (Von Willebrands Disease or other). 
female Pomeranian one year old
female Pomeranian one year old
Abby, 1 year old
Photo courtesy of Belinda & Allen Hood

Discharge After Being Spayed

First, let's take a look at the 3 different types of spaying that can be done:

1) When a female dog is spayed, the procedure most commonly performed is called an ovariohysterectomy. It is quite extensive; the entire reproductive tract is removed. This includes the ovaries, oviducts, uterine horns, and the uterus. 

2) Less commonly is a tubal ligation, in which with the oviducts are cut and structured, which prevents pregnancy however the dog will still have heat cycles. 
3) Another less commonly used method is a hysterectomy in the uterus is removed, but the ovaries remain. With this, since the ovaries are in the body the dog will enter heat; the vulva will swell and she will secrete pheromones that attract males; however since the uterus is removed, there is no bloody discharge.

Post Spaying Discharge - There is some discharge that is considered normal:

• From the incision site itself (on the lower tummy) it is normal for there to be some light discharge of fluid or blood for 3 to 4 days after the surgery. 

• Some 'old' blood due to the surgery may leave the dog's body via the vagina and this will appear as a very dark red to a brown discharge over the course of 7 to 10 days. 

Red Flags- If there is discharge of any color seeping out from the Pomerania's vagina after the first week, particularly if it worsens and becomes heavier over time, this could point to an infection and the veterinarian should be notified immediately. 

There are cases of a dog still have regular heat cycles after being spayed: how can this happen? We cover this next. 
small Pomeranian female
small Pomeranian female
Juicy Boo Couture, photo courtesy of Bonnie Brecher

Pomeranian Still Having Bloody Discharge After Being Spayed

Is it possible for a Pomeranian to still have heat cycles after being spayed? This may seem like a silly question, however it can indeed happen. 

There is an issue that can lead to this happening:

Ovarian remnant syndrome - The ovaries may not have all been completely removed - Any ovarian tissue left behind at all can lead to regular discharge events, even a piece as tiny as a dot can regrow; this is why veterinarians often remove even more tissue surrounding the ovaries to be sure. 

While the dog would not be able to conceive, this may cause her to still cycle. 
If this occurs it will be up to the owner to leave things as they are or to have a 2nd corrective procedure.

Discharge During Pregnancy

Discharge considered to be normal during a Pomeranian's pregnancy is a clear fluid that may or may not be sticky (note that we are saying 'sticky' and not 'stinky'). 

As she approaches labor (1 to 2 weeks away), it may be thicker, clear mucus. If a pregnant Pom has discharge of any color (brown, green, red, etc.) OR if it has a bad smell, this is reason to bring her to the vet.  

Green discharge toward the end of pregnancy can be due to two polar opposite issues. In some rare cases, it can be due to an unborn fetus defecating though it can also point to a detached placenta. For this reason, you will want to inform the vet ASAP. 

Post-Pregnancy Discharge

After a Pomeranian gives birth, there will be discharge for 2 to 3 weeks. ONLY for the first few days, it may be brown, black or green; this is referred to as lochia. 

Normally, within 48 hours it turns to a rust color and then may turn to red as mostly blood is expelled. The female may then continue to have red discharge for approximately up to the 3 week mark. 

It is important to note that this does not have a strong odor and lessens as the weeks go by. 

Red flags - If there is heavy discharge (blood is pouring out, not just leaking out), if it has a bad odor, if the green/brown/black color continues past the 48 hour mark or if red fluidly discharge does not decrease over the course of the first 2 to 3 weeks, these are strong signals of life-threatening conditions and the vet must be called immediately. 

Whenever you have any doubts regarding a Pom after she has had a litter, never hesitate to bring her to the vet or closest animal hospital. 

Reasons for Unexplained Pomeranian Vaginal Discharge

Now, let's cover the possible reasons for discharge in Poms that are not in heat and are not or have not just been pregnant.

1) Vaginal Infection - This is also referred to as vaginitis. There are 2 types, that are differentiated by age:
  • Juvenile vaginitis - This is seen with young puppies that have not yet entered puberty. The main symptom is a light white to yellow, sometimes slightly mucoid discharge that may clump around the skin folds of the vulva. 
  • Adult-onset vaginitis - This is seen with dogs that are technically adults (after having her first heat). The amount of discharge will be heavier than with puppies. Most often, it is white to cream; very rarely does it have any blood in it. It may be watery; however it can also be quite sticky, filled with mucus or look like it has puss in it. Other signs of this include licking of the vulva, a weak bladder and/or frequent urination. 
In some cases, a Pomeranian will have both a vaginal infection and a urinary tract infection (more ahead) at the same time. 

Other signs (aside from discharge) include:
  • Increased urination - both amount and frequency
  • Irritated vaginal area - The vulva may be swollen, red and/or itchy. The female Pom may hump as a way to 'scratch the itch' on this sensitive area.
  • Crusted fur around the vulva - This is due to the discharge drying once it comes into contact with the fur; while some Poms may lick the area thus removing traces of discharge, if fine hairs in this area are crisp it is a good method of knowing something is wrong. 
Causes - This can be caused by a bacteria, yeast or a virus. With older dogs, it can be connected to urinary incontinence. In very rare cases it can be attributed to such things as a foreign body in the vagina, the herpes virus, tumors or even shampoos that have irritated the vulva. 

Diagnosis- The vet will perform a few tests, including a complete blood count, urinalysis and visual inspection.

Treatment- Juvenile vaginitis is self-resolving and is often not treated with medicine. For adult Pomeranians (those that have entered or passed puberty), once testing confirms the cause (most often bacteria, yeast or virus), the appropriate medication will be prescribed. 

You may be instructed to clean your Pom's genital area with special wipes to keep it clean. 

Prognosis- Most Pomeranians will respond to treatment in 2 to 3 weeks. If symptoms do not go away by the 3 week mark, bring her back in to see the vet.
Pomeranian in a pile of leaves
Pomeranian in a pile of leaves
Macy, 4 years old
Photo courtesy of J and S
Chronic vaginal infection with Pomeranians - For dogs that get reoccurring vaginal infections caused by yeast, the vet may prescribe a probiotic supplement. Alternatively, you may also want to speak to the vet about simply supplementing your Pom's diet with whole white probiotic yogurt.   
2) Urinary tract infection - This one can be a bit tricky because technically blood is present in the urine and is not separately being expelled, however it can appear to be a bloody discharge or blood in the urine can end up on the Pom's fur and being pink, it then an owner can assume that it is discharge from the vagina. However, a fishy smell coming from the vagina is another symptom of this and it is this that owners may notice the most. 

Other signs aside from discharge include:
  • Frequent urination
  • Loss of control in regard to peeing
  • Dribbling urine
  • Showing signs of pain (stinging, burning) when peeing
  • Straining to urinate
  • Excessive licking of the genital area
Treatment- The most common treatment for Pomeranian with UTI's is a course of antibiotics. It is usually taken for 1 to 2 weeks.  

Additionally, the vet may recommend increasing your dog's water intake (to then in turn, lead to more frequent urination that can clean out the bladder and urinary tracts) and/or putting your Pom on a 'clean' diet that does not contain chemical preservatives, coloring or additives. 

There are some herbal remedies such as Goldenrod Horsetail or Ester-C; since the effectiveness of these are up for debate, you may want to speak to the vet regarding his/ her thoughts on this. 
* While it can't prevent all discharge issues like UTI's you may want to wipe quality canine wipes to keep your Pom's genital area clean from small pieces of poo that can cling to hairs, as bacteria can travel up the urethra. Be sure to wipe up and away from the anus, not toward it.
3) Pyometra - If you've heard this word before, you most likely associate it with something very bad, and for good reason. This is a very serious type of infection. 

It is a bacterial infection of the uterus (but it can happen to dogs that are spayed- more ahead). It is seen most often in un-spayed female dogs that are 5 years and older; thought it can happen to a Pomeranian of any age. The time that it is most likely to develop is 4 to 6 weeks after a heat cycle, as it is linked to the thickening of the uterine wall and cysts that may develop. The cysts leak a fluid that becomes a dangerous breeding ground for bacteria. 

There are 2 type of Pyometra (open cervix and closed)
pretty female Pomeranian
pretty female Pomeranian
Minderella (Mindy), 7 years old
Photo courtesy of Debra Engleman
Symptoms include:
  • A pus-like discharge (only present with open cervix) 
  • Swollen abdomen
  • Fever
  • Lethargy
  • Depression
  • Lack of appetite
  • Vomiting
  • Increased thirst
Without treatment, it will progress to:
  • Collapse 
  • Death due to septic shock
Treatment - If this is suspected, it is imperative to seek veterinary treatment ASAP. The ovaries and uterus are removed. 

Can Pyometra happen to a Pomeranian that has been spayed? While it is rare, the answer is yes. During the spaying process, the uterine stump can be left in the body and a dog can then develop Uterine Stump Pyometra. 
So if your spayed Pom shows signs of this condition, do not hesitate to have her checked. 

Fishy Smell Discharge

There are 2 main reasons for this:

1) While we noted this above, this is such a common issue that we want to reiterate that this is most commonly due to vaginitis (vaginal infection) that needs to be treated by the veterinarian.

2) Another possible cause of a fish smell coming from a Pomeranian, but that is not due to actual vaginal discharge, is the anal glands. The anal glands (scent glands) are located on the sides of the anal opening. 

Normally, a very small amount of scent oil is released when the dog has a bowel movement and when the dog encounters another dog. However, if a Pom has very soft stools, these may not release enough oil naturally and they may become engorged. 
If this happens, a small crack may develop that causes this super smelly liquid to seep out enough that it has an exceedingly overpowering odor. 


Other than the normal discharge that happens during heat and the fluid that leaks out after giving birth, it is never normal for a Pomeranian to have vaginal discharge. 

Whether it is clear or colored, smelly or holds no scent, or is seen with or without other symptoms, do please bring your Pom to the vet if she has any sort of discharge issue. 
Other than the normal discharge that happens during heat and the fluid that leaks out after giving birth, it is never normal for a Pomeranian to have vaginal discharge. 

Whether it is clear or colored, smelly or holds no scent, or is seen with or without other symptoms, do please bring your Pom to the vet if she has any sort of discharge issue. 

Male Pomeranian Discharge - When a male dog has discharge coming from his penis.
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