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Pee in house


Why Does My Pomeranian Pee
 All Over the House?


When you have a Pom, or any other dog for that matter, it can be disheartening if he or she seems to pee everywhere except where you want them to… You may have a puppy who doesn’t understand the concept of urinating outside (or on pee pads)... Or perhaps you have an older adolescent or adult dog that has suddenly seemed to have forgotten his/her training and is making puddles all over the house.

We are going to discuss all of the possible reasons why a Pomeranian will pee anywhere and everywhere... We will offer you advice and tips for the steps that you can take to resolve this.
Reason 1 - Confusion:  If you have a brand new puppy or a pup that is not yet fully trained, confusion is the most likely answer. Your Pomeranian may be absolutely mystified about where exactly it is that he or she is supposed to go to the bathroom.

Housetraining may seem daunting, however by following certain rules and sticking to them no matter what, you can find success relatively quickly. Dogs have zero idea what it is that you expect from them, unless it is shown to them…and they must be shown for as many times as it takes to retain the knowledge…

BEYOND this, dogs need to have this knowledge reinforced.
This means that even after your Pomeranian seems to understand a certain idea (a command, housebreaking, etc.), routine reminders will keep him or her on track.

The #1 mistake that owners commit is making “outdoors” be the bathroom area. This is NOT specific enough for most puppies to understand. What works best is to choose ONE specific area that is ONLY to be used for peeing and elimination needs.

For outside house training, it can be anywhere as long as it is not used for any other purpose… therefore, an owner will not lead their puppy near there for playing or for any other reason. While any location may be chosen, we encourage owners to think about the vicinity not just on nice sunny days, but to think about whether or not it is an advantageous spot for days when it is raining or snowing. The area under that tree way in the back of your yard may seem perfect now, but not so much right after a foot of snow falls down.
Once you have the ideal spot, the goal will connect a 6 to 8 foot leash on your Pomeranian and then stand in the middle of that area. While you will have chosen the area, it is your Pom who should be allowed to find the perfect spot within that span. 

It is very important to bring your puppy out on a regular schedule. If a puppy is not brought out when he or she needs to go, peeing all over the house is inevitable.

Times to go to the designated area are (but not limited to): As soon as your Pom wakes up in the morning, 15 to 20 minutes after eating (or after drinking a good amount of water), after each nap time and 30 minutes before bed.

If you are using pee pads, it will be important to keep a pad in the same room, in the same area of the room at all times. Simply laying it down somewhere in the bathroom, for example, will not allow a Pomeranian to have a good understanding of where you wish for him/her to pee. Conversely, the left hand corner of the bathroom gives a clear understanding. 
Just as you would bring your puppy outside, if you choose an indoor method, it will be important to bring him/her to the pad at all scheduled times.

Aside from the scheduled times, a close eye should be kept on a Pom…any time that a female squats down or a male begins to raise a leg, the puppy should immediately be brought to the bathroom area, even if this means picking him or her up and carrying them there. (Don’t worry, you won’t always have to do this). 

It can seem a bit overwhelming to have to pay such close attention to your Pomeranian all of the time during this stage, however if an owner does take the time to focus on this vital training, time passed quickly and the end result is a dog that is fully trained forever. Therefore, work right now results in a lifelong payoff later.
two Pomeranians with sweaters on
Luna & Wolfie
Photo courtesy of owner: Cristina Johnston
Reason 2 - Spraying: Both female and male dogs spray (mark). Some people mistakenly believe that only males do this (perhaps because male Pomeranians are thought to be more dominant), however both genders, equally, may mark the house, essentially peeing all over.

It is important to note that puppies under the age of 3 months do not do this, therefore if you have a 2-month-old that is peeing all over, it will be due to another reason.

Marking territory is a canine instinctual behavior that can be triggered by the presence of other dogs…and it need not be on the same day. For example, if a friend brings over their dog for a play date, the scent of that dog will remain in your house for quite a while and your Pomeranian may begin to spray urine in an effort to “reclaim their territory”.

Some are so sensitive and aware of the scent of other canines that even just a residual trace on your clothing can set off urination marking. 

The way to know if your Pomeranian is peeing all over the house for marking purposes is to pay attention to how much urine there is. For this, only small amounts are eliminated, the bladder is not emptied. In addition, a dog will often sniff quite a bit before doing this and may circle around the area. 

An interesting note is that females often do NOT squat to do this, rather they will raise a leg…and some have been known to do a sort of handstand, briefly lifting both hind legs! For female Pomeranians, marking is sometimes done only before starting a heat cycle.

How Changes Can Cause This to Begin – Changes in the home can make a Pomeranian feel insecure, which leads him or her to spray. Therefore, even if another animal is not in the picture, things such as a new person living in the home or even a new piece of furniture can set it off. 
Pom on couch
Simba, 11 months old
Photo courtesy of Claudia
How to Help – One method that works well for many owners is to break the dog’s focus. This can be done by keeping a very close eye on your Pom. Total dedication for 2 to 3 days is often needed. You will want to create a “noise maker”...and this is done by putting some coins into a metal container.

Any time that your Pomeranian makes any sort of motion that indicated he or she is thinking about marking, the owner shakes the can loudly. This causes the dog to be distracted enough to break thought. There is no need to bring your dog outside for bathroom needs (unless it is time to do so), since the marking is not done to relieve the bladder. In some cases, doing this consistently for several days can break a dog of this habit.

We do not recommend spaying or neutering a dog only for the reason of cutting down on marking incidences, however if you do plan on having this done, for many dogs it stops the urge to mark.

If it appears that your Pomeranian is peeing in reaction to a change in the environment, do know that this is temporary. If he or she shakes or shows other signs of anxiety or fear of the object or person, a slow introduction will be needed. 
Start off with short periods of exposure and then slowly yet gradually increase the time. Be sure to give praise when desired behavior is displayed.

If specific objects are being urinated on, if possible, remove those items (example, shoes, small chair, pocket book, etc.). If your dog is peeing all over the sofa, however, it can help to clean it with a enzymatic solution. It is advised to steer clear of high perfumed cleaning products, as a Pom may pee again to cover the aroma of that fragrance.  
Reason 3- Medical Reasons: While a dog of any age can have a health issue that results in peeing everywhere, this is more frequently seen with older dogs. Urinary tract infections are the #1 medical reason for excessive canine urination. Other reasons include bladder stones, diabetes, kidney problems, liver disease and Cushing's disease. Therefore, when in doubt, it is always recommended to bring your Pomeranian for a full and complete checkup with a reputable and experienced veterinarian.

Senior Poms

There are many changes that occur as a dog ages…There is a slowing down, senior Pomeranians don’t run quite as fast and they will want to take more naps…Arthritis can set in, causing slower movement, trouble raising from a laying position and the need for ramps… And another issue that happens frequently is that there is a loss of control in regard to bladder and bowel muscles.

Do not automatically assume that incontinence is a normal part of aging, since it can be caused by kidney issues (in which case a low protein diet can help) or a urinary tract infection (which can be treated).

If the cause is indeed a weakening of bladder muscles that result in peeing all over the house, it can be extremely helpful to put a belly band on a male dog. For females, a doggie diaper works well. Do keep in mind that with either the band or the diaper, the Pomeranian should still be taken outside to the designated area (or indoors to the pee pad) on the same schedule that he or she is used to; the band or diaper will work to control incontinence in-between bathroom times. (And these also work wonderful for keep things clean when your female is in her heat cycle).
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