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Why Does My Pomeranian Shake?


With toy breed dogs, shaking is not uncommon. Many people, mostly owners of larger dogs, chalk this up to a tiny dog being nervous. 

There is a mistaken belief that toy breeds are normally scared and afraid…however this is not true. Well-adjusted Poms that receive love, proper care and a safe, peaceful environment are rarely fearful unless they are in need of socialization training.

Therefore, while this is one possible cause, there are others as well. No matter what the cause, in most cases it is a clear sign that something is wrong and must be addressed right away.
Therefore, while this is one possible cause, there are others as well. No matter what the cause, in most cases it is a clear sign that something is wrong and must be addressed right away.

In this section, we are going to discuss the reasons why a Pomeranian may shake, so that you will know if action should be taken. We will talk about what to look for when this happens to a young puppy and what possible reasons there could be for this happening to an older Pom.
Reason 1 - Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). This is most common with very young Pomeranian puppies although it can happen at any age. The time that a baby Pom is most vulnerable to this rapid drop in blood sugar levels is from birth to 3 months old. What can make this happen? Most often it is due to stress…And this can be a bit tricky since an owner may not see any reason for stress at all!

Pomeranian shakingThe transition from the breeder to a puppy’s new home is the biggest stress inducer that most will experience (although separation anxiety can also produce quite a bit of worry as well). 

While it is a very happy and exciting time for owners, it is a time of huge changes for the pup. They are taken away from all that they know and put into a completely new setting. Everything is different…from smells in the home to the new people that they must become accustomed to. 

For this reason, it is highly recommended to always have honey on hand. Alternatively, some use Karo syrup, however it can act as a laxative and cause more issues. While treatment should be given at home, a puppy with hypoglycemia must be brought to the closest veterinarian or animal hospital ASAP. 

Let’s first go over the signs. Aside from shaking, you may see that your Pomeranian is having trouble walking…he or she may seems wobbly or may even fall over or walk into a wall. Fainting is most certainly a sign, however before it reaches that point, your Pom may seem overwhelmingly sleepy, along with the other signs.

If you feel that this may be happening to your Pom, you will want to take a dab of honey and gently rub it into your puppy’s gums. In this way, it enters the bloodstream quickly. This allows a temporary stabilization, giving you enough time to seek professional medical help. Why must you bring your Pom to the vet? With some, IV solutions must be given to properly balance out sugar levels. This is not to be taken lightly, as hypoglycemia is fatal, if severe and untreated.
Reason 2 - Temperature. Tiny toy breeds such as the Pomeranian can be very sensitive to temperature changes. Therefore, feeling cold can certainly cause a Pom, no matter what his or her age, to shiver…and this is seen as shaking by owners. For those who live in areas that endure long cold winters, winterizing a Pomeranian is a must.

Some people believe that the thick, luscious coat of this breed keeps the dog warm no matter how cold it is…but this is not true. Certainly, the double coat of fur provides insulation and a level of protection against the cold, however it is not a barrier that blocks all elements. 

Additionally, the it is a misconception that paws are invincible. Paw pads are made of skin, albeit thick skin. While they are thick enough to handle normal environments, exposure to cold surfaces will eventually cause issues.

For this reason, when indoors on a chilly day, you will want to ensure that your Pomeranian never remains in a cold room. (garage, 3-season porch, etc.). Keeping the heat at 70 degrees is best…and take a look to make sure that your Pom’s normal resting/ sleeping area is not near a drafty door or window.
Pom with flowers
Maile, a 10 year old rescue
Photo courtesy of Juana Moya
When outside for any longer than 10 minutes, it is recommended to have doggie boots and a sweater on your Pom. Some people think that clothing for Pomeranians is not necessary and not required. However, depending on the weather and temperature, clothing certainly can help your dog regulate his or her body temperature.

If your Pom is shaking and you have discovered that he or she was cold, bring them into a warm area. Wrap them up in a soft, warm baby blanket and cuddle them for a while. If shaking has not stopped after 1 hour, it will be time to seek the advice of an experienced and reputable veterinarian.
Pomeranian for blog
"Woof, rufff, rrrr...grrr... UMPHF!"

Translation: "Tweets for treats...? ... or share for... ahh... a pear??? 
Well, you get the gist! Show me some love & share this site before you read on."
Reason 3 - Feeling afraid. For puppies that are just brought to a new home, feeling insecure and afraid is very common. It is sometimes very overwhelming for a pup to get used to a new home. While it can cause stress which can lead to a drop in blood sugar as described in “Reason 1”, another reason for shaking is simply fear, without any actual medical conditions.

Just Brought Your Pom Home:

If this seems to be the problem, try to provide a very calming atmosphere. While it may seem loving to have a circle of caring humans surrounding a puppy, all willing and ready to offer words and hugs, to a new puppy, this can be scary. Never take it personally.

Do offer your Pomeranian his or her own special place to retreat to if needed. A top quality canine bed, placed in the corner of a warm room works best. Most dogs that are afraid will not want to be confined or placed in isolation.
Therefore a good place is in a room in which the Pom can see others, hear others, but be far enough away to feel as if they have their own special resting area to regroup before jumping back into the fray.

Have Had Your Dog for a While:

If you have had your Pom for a while (he or she is used to the home, the people, etc.) yet they still shake, this may mean that it is time to socialize your dog to elements that are working as triggers for fear and stress. For each Pom, the trigger can be different; however most common is visitors, other dogs, sirens and traffic and strangers while taking a walk.  

As your dog’s human, it will be your job to teach your Pom about the world and all that it holds. You will gradually show him or her what elements are friendly and which are not. Your job will be to show your little ball of fluff that interaction with friendly elements produces benefits. And this must be done step by step, as pushing a dog into a situation only results in more fear.  
Pomeranian outside with sun shining
Mele, 4 years old
Photo courtesy of owner: Juana Moya
Reason 4 - Illness. When our dog is sick, we want to do all that we can to help him or her; however it is a shame how many owners worry about symptoms but fail to bring their Pomeranian to a veterinarian. Many medical issues simply cannot be treated successfully at home without health care intervention. If your Pom is shaking and also has any of the following: diarrhea, vomiting, refusal to eat or drink, glazed over eyes, limping, sudden nipping (a sign that a dog is in pain), please call your vet or bring your Pom to the closest animal hospital.
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